At the day of the Toy Drive when it was finally cake time, the kids sang Happy Birthday NOT to me but to "dear homeless kids" on their own accord that I'd dare say, even those with an abominable snowman hearts will melt if they've heard that! Now, today {which also happens to be my birthday}, we { by universe's design } were "commissioned" to { like Santa } deliver the gifts to Birthday Blessings this day.
Bronwyn Pressley, Birthday Blessings' Volunteer Party Coordinator - Charlotte Emergency Housing met with us to receive the abundance! Yes abundance {Thanks to all my generous donors}. The moment she saw the stash I got in my trunk she was like "Is that all for us?" then got more excited when I told her what the boxes contained - Zhu Zhu pets, all 104! Then she took us in for a tour inside the facility and saw an in-depth look into the range of their programs and knew right there and then that I took the toys in the right place!
Watch the video below to see the rest of our Adventure

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