Ingredients: * to cut prep time shorter - I use frozen veggies here.
1 small can of Hunt's Fire roasted diced tomatoes
1 cup Organic Brocolli Florets
1 cup Organic Green Beans tender cut
1/2 lb. Thin Spaghetti - cook according to instruction
1 cup Morningstar Grillers crumble
1/2 cup Onion - chopped
2 cloves Garlic - chopped
2 tbsp. Olive Oil
Dash of Pepper
Kikkoman Less Sodium Soy Sauce for flavor - according to taste
Saute' onion and garlic until brown. Add in brocolli, green beans and griller's crumble and stir-fry until cooked to preference. Stir in Hunt's fire roasted diced tomatoes. Cover and simmer for 2 minutes or long enough for brocolli to absorb some of the tomato juice. Fold in spaghetti. Add in soy sauce to flavor and a dash of pepper. Serve hot. 20 mins. approx cooking time. Serves 3-4 people.
*Grillers crumble can be replaced with Tofu.
*Soy Sauce can be replaced with salt or any preferred flavors.
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