May 23, 2010

Getting Clean and Out with the Dirty!

I'm going to come clean with you. I hate exercise! Sadly, it hates me back. I'm sure you know the end result to that. So what got into me doing 10 mins Yoga, 38 mins Dance Cardio Blast exercise then walking/running 5 miles in one day? Have I gone nuts!? NO. I was just on an all-time high. And no, it's not drug-related, so let's not even go there.

The truth is, I'm on an Xtreme mission to get rid of something as toxic as drugs itself! So let's talk dirty. No, not that kind of dirty.

Moving on.

Since the start of allergy season, I have been suffering relentlessly. Sneezing once is a mission impossible. Couple that with runny nose and itchy eyes. The whole nine yards. I've got them all. Then came the sore throat that seem to have mutated to a whole new condition totally unfamiliar to me. I started feeling like a golf ball is stuck in my throat! My food is not sinking in properly where it needs to go which makes eating a bear. It was like my body is rebelling against me! Certain foods starts to make me sick and I go through puking episodes.

The weird part of it is that, I don't feel ill at all. Just this dull nagging symptom that comes and goes. It wasn't prominent enough to negate seeing a doctor but makes me think my body hates me! You're probably thinking, "Wow, this woman is insane!" Well, I'm not one who instinctively run to a doctor at the first onset of any symptoms. Yes, I can be stubborn that way. Besides, all they do is prescribe drugs or worst, cut you up unnecessarily, so why bother when you can find a more non-invasive approach, right?*

Then CLEAN was introduced to me by people who have already done it and who swore to have personally benefited great result from this program. In a nutshell, it is a holistic detoxifying system. What's unique about it is that, it was created by a medical doctor who totally agrees and understands my sentiments above.* Apparently, toxic buildup inside my internal system may be a factor to why I'm sick. Time to exterminate!

Out with the "dirties" and comes the clean.

CLEAN which was formulated by Dr. Alejandro Junger, takes 21 days to finish. I'm on my 7th day. One notable result is the elimination of unwanted weight. A definite perk! So far, I've lost 4lbs! But I'll tell you now, just like any program, it takes a firm mindset and dedication to complete it. Though it doesn't require a special diet, it does require specific foods and strict instructions to make the detox system effective. If you're like me, lazy bitch pressed for time, you can take the vegetarian route. Sans, meat, less hassle. Let's see how I handle this yummy Stir-Fry Veggies with Pumpkin seeds in Tamari Sauce that I concocted in the next 14 days. I did say Xtreme Mission, right?

 And the symptom? They've eased up. I've also gain back some renewed energy which motivated me to exercise- again (give me a pat in the shoulder) - and which is a great compliment to detoxing. Who would have thought of me waking up at 7 in the morning (which is unusual if you know me) and did all that exercise feat mentioned above? I feel like I was kidding myself but heck! I really did it. With the weight I've lost so far (besides feeling better), the more I'm motivated to stick to the program and finish it.

If you haven't done any detox system before, you may want to consider this program. I was reluctant to try it at first but with the impressive testimony of those who have done it before, it was just too good of an option to pass up. CLEAN also have a huge support group online and tons of practitioners which says a lot about this program. I hope to chronicle my progress and see how I do at the end of this program. I might also post some recipes in conjunction with this detox regimen. It sure calls for LOTS of creativity!

As for you, listen to your body. What is it telling you? Are you lethargic or sick most times? Did you want to lose some weight?  Maybe it's time to detox...


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