I was watching Extreme Ice by Nova last night. A documentary spearheaded by photographer James Balog who documented the unsettling effect of climate change in Alaska, Iceland and Greenland using time-lapse photography shot over the course of two years and I can't help feel a sickening feeling in my tummy. Ice and glaciers were melting in an alarming rate - faster than normal. And what's causing these irreversible effects? Us! How sad that we are killing the only planet we have.
In one point, scientists in that show, fearfully stated that if we, humans kept harming our environment, who knows what will become of Earth in 10 years. It may just die a tragic death and along with that, us.
"Since the Industrial Revolution, our burning of fossil fuels has ratcheted up the output of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which trap heat in the atmosphere. Temperatures are climbing, and the ice is melting faster than ever." - quoted from Extreme IceI have always thought of my daughter's future world and how I can make a difference in preserving it. I know every little thing counts. And with this in mind, we started making changes in our own small ways in our home, teaching our young daughter the relevance of it along the way. Afterall, this will be for her and her future generation. We have to plant the seed of change now.
Here are quick and simple no impact ways we do at our own home:
1- Turn lights off in any rooms when no one is there using it.
2- Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
3- R.E.C.Y.C.L.E.
4- Use Tabo and balde method when taking a shower
4- Use compact Flourescent lights that uses less energy
5- Keep air-conditioner temperature moderate during winter or summer
6- Collect rain water for use to water plants
7- Take everything you need from the refrigerator at once if possible.
There are so many ways out there that we can do.We just needed to make that conscious effort to make it happen. Consequentially, more companies are starting to realize this need. Scott Naturals is one of them and in honor of Earth Month, Scott Naturals is encouraging everyone to take a Pledge for a greener earth through their 4-Week Scott Naturals Test Drive Program running between April 4 and September 30th at ScottBrand.com.
Anyone who pledge at ScottBrand.com have the chance to enter to win a Ford Fusion Hybrid Sedan and get coupons to Scott Naturals paper products. And here's more, after you pledge, come back here and let me know you did in the comments section and you have the chance to win a *Scott Naturals Product Test kit just like the one pictured below! One winner each week for 4 weeks!
Extra Entries: More entries means more chances of winning!{please leave separate comment for each entry}
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**The Motherhood and Scott Naturals have provided a product test kit and a stipend as part of this project and marketing initiative.
I took the pledge.
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I took the pledge! (and Thank You for introducing me to Tabo Balde!)
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