Well, when I started blogging, I was oblivious to what goes on around blogosphere. Call me clueless! At that time, my focus was just on one thing: mastering the art of blogging. Which to this date, sadly, I still have not! I spent most of my time building a relationship with my blog because back then, it was all I know. I was blind to the rest of what wonderful things blogosphere has to offer.
In Denial. With the little knowledge I knew then, I took in a misguided concept that my blog will survive on it's own without outside influence. Thus my sphere of influence was limited solely within my blog and the few people I've met along the way. Social Media Networking sites, Conferences and bloggy events made no sense to me at all. I thought I can do without them...
But that was back then ( thank heavens! ) and this is now. As I got deeper and learned more about blogging, I realize that there is more to it than meets the eye! Just like education, it's a never-ending learning process. And to grow it, you need a community to nurture it. Best way to put it is the famous quote: "It takes a village to raise a child". Your blog is your child...
My "Grow it and Grow you" Philosophy based on the 5 Top Benefits you get from conferences:
- Connections - The very essence of "success" which most "popular" bloggers have. These are the ones that brings them endless opportunities. The ones that makes a blog elite and "big". When this grow, you grow. - I'm learning.
- Opportunities - With connections comes opportunities. Conferences are the best place to create relationships with potential clients, brands or companies. Nothing beats face to face marketing. Establishing mutual trust is easier and gives you an edge to be chosen for a project over someone they only know online.
- Friendships - Beyond online. Nothing is more rewarding than finally meeting that bloggy friend whose blog you so adore online. Or that Twitter friend whom you tweet with a lot. These are the people that makes up your community. Quoting Chris Brogan from his talk at Disney Social Media Mom Conference: "your community is what the companies want to get to - via you - the blogger!" Our community is what makes us tick!
- Experience - Going to conferences is like going on a first date. There is so much to learn and so much to do. The more you go, the better you get at it. Walking to a room, it's easy to spot who's a pro and who's not. Seasoned conference-goers carries themselves with utter confidence and good at it too.
- Skills - To acquire and enhance what limited knowledge we have. The very reason we need to attend these conferences. To learn the tools of the trade. So we can grow our blogs and grow us!

Sneak peek of what's to come:
Hi there!
ReplyDeleteI am here for the first time and there's so much to learn.
I agree with what you are saying. In Italy we are at the beginning of social media events for blogger moms, but things are going preatty fast. I personally had a lot of good feed-backs from attending this events (personally and professionally). I will try to read more US blogs in order to learn how it works at you.
I would love, love to go to a blogging conference! Before I never really could justify the money and the leaving town. But now that I am actually starting to get really good work from my design site I will have to make this a priority. Besides now it will be a right off. It will be all business I'm sure. ;-)