And with the onset of Spring, open windows, fresh scent of flowers abloom and pastel colors play in my mind. Then the special part of Spring is of course, my daughter's birthday! This year, we will revamp her room and transform her kids bedding with designs inspired by the beauty of spring and of her favorite color Pink! I prefer simple, pretty designs. Something like this:
Remember I met her at the Disney Social Media Moms Conference
and it's great to see some of her product line is as pretty as her.
Or this:
My daughter and I are already oogling at all the beautiful choices in kids beddings. It may take us forever to decide! CSN stores carry these brands and a whole lot more! If you're looking for great deals, they have it! Check 'em out. As for me, The Pinata might have to wait...
Watch out for this:
- A great review and giveaway sponsored by CSN. Think of Conference season. The giveaway item will be very useful for you as a traveler. (hint, hint)

Aww those are pretty... I am so glad spring is here! :)........