March 16, 2009

Olivia The Piglet

Do you know Olivia? Well, I didn't know her until yesterday. She's a cute Fashionista Piglet! I like her. And you know what? I think I might have seen her in person too! This is how I met her {I think}.

We were at Barnes & Nobles Bookstore yesterday. My Little Sasserfrass collected some books and magazines to "read" moreso, to ooh-gle and aah-gle at {just to get her out of my hair} while we lounged and relax at Starbucks. I was just there for my Mocha Cappuccino! {yes me, Coffee Freak!}

One of the books Little Sasserfrass got on her pile was a Nickelodeon Activity book where they had this little cute piglet with her red dress and stripe overalls on the front cover. Such a cutie she is! Miss Sasserfrass wanted {pestered} me to read this cute piglets' story titled "Olivia Must Get in Shape" out loud to her.

I started reading this page:

Then I happened to look up towards the table infront of us.

I went catatonic! I slowly looked back at the page, glanced at my daughter, back to the table infront of us then back to the picture on the page. A smile appeared on my lips. Looked at my daughter, went on to read the story. I said, "OLIVIA. MUST. GET. IN. SHAPE!"

{I think it's a sign. Maybe Olivia wants me to help her.}

This is what I saw {or who I saw}.

{why am I "discovering" new Books and Characters for my daughter this way?}

Also See:


  1. hahaha - i have to get in shape too!!! maybe i should get an olivia piglet myself for inspiration... thanks for stopping by my blog and checking in while i've been in and out of the o-zone :).

  2. My daughter LOVES Olivia. She always states that she knows 2 Olivia's. One is a pig and one is a person. I have to LOL that you took a picture of 2 random strangers though.

  3. That is so funny! I love the Olivia character too, by the way.

  4. LOL..that's called fate...

  5. I know Olivia! She and her brother are great and I enjoy watching them...even if my son is not interested! OMG how funny that you saw that lady after reading the story. Ha ha ha

  6. Talk about a sign! Great pictures, thanks for the adorable story.

  7. OMG! What a coincidence! Now how does one casually drop a little olivia book on a lady like that? Too funny.

  8. You cracked me UP! That's pretty funny.

    I have been seeing lots of commercials for the show but have yet to watch it. She is super cute though!

  9. hahaha c: you are funny mare c:

  10. That is priceless! Did you try it with any other book? You may have the power to summon up fictional characters and you didn't even know it! Thanks for sharing.

  11. You're hilarious! That's my goal after this pregnancy but I just don't know to start. Good luck to me. I'll have Olivia help me :)

    I love, love, love Olivia by the way and so is her "Life's Rule..." She's a character. My little girl and I watch her every morning before I head out to work.

    Anyway, still have to email you back Miss.

  12. That is great!! It's a little scary too!!

  13. Very cute pig =) hi I love to share this tag/award that smart-mommy gave me hope you'll like it

  14. OH man, I don't know if I could have kept a straight face. Not to be too snarky, but how did that woman decide on that shirt anyway? My kids are older so I don't know Olivia, but she looks really cute. I'm glad lil Sasserfrass likes books! Mine still do, they are like book worms.

  15. oh wow, that made me burst out laughing. :)

  16. This is hilarious! I don't know Olivia but I'd be glad to meet her. :-)

  17. Yes! I know Olivia! That was totally hilarious!


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