It has been raining for the past two days {though I personally prefer snow} and it has made me not the happiest of camper! Wet shoes. Muddy ground and tons of puddles. Not the most appealing when you have to get out there and walk the yukky ground each time. Our poor boots...
I can't take any more of these crazy rainy weather so I ordered...rain boots! Always a great idea to turn a negative circumstances into a very positive thing :-)

365 days in photos is a photo project in my attempt to capture life, the world around it, and its essence each day through photos. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. And it lasts longer. Photo tips included when necessary.
I can't take any more of these crazy rainy weather so I ordered...rain boots! Always a great idea to turn a negative circumstances into a very positive thing :-)

365 days in photos is a photo project in my attempt to capture life, the world around it, and its essence each day through photos. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. And it lasts longer. Photo tips included when necessary.
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