Which is exactly what we experienced at the Zhuniverse event at Toys R Us as part of their nationwide tour. I invited along other fabulous NC Mombloggers in behalf of MomSelect to attend the event where our own little crews experienced a true Zhuniverse VIP treatment. And for all you Zhunatics out there, watch the video below to get a sneak peek of the fun these tour offers.
You can also check the Zhuniverse Tour Dates to see if they are heading your way. This Saturday, Aug 28th, the Zhu-niverse Tour is going to York, South Carolina for SUMMERFEST! With free admission, families can come out and enjoy great food, music, sports tournaments, and there is even a 5-K run. Zensible Mama and her crew will be there. Come and join in on the fun! You might just learn a new dance step!

Wish I had seen you there! We were there from 12 to almost 3 and had such a good time! Thanks so much for the invite!