October 2, 2009

Did You Know There's Help?

Here's one best kept secret that not a lot of people seem to know. So secret, not even your company will bother mentioning it to you or even know about! If you already know about this good for you!

Here is what I recently discovered : Employment Security Commission benefits doesn't only cover unemployment claims for laid off workers but that they also cover workers whose job were reduced from Full time to Part time! Yes, you read that right! If your work have been suddenly reduced to part time due to this curse in the economy, you can get financial assistance! This benefit is called Attached Claim and it is easy to apply.

You'll only need one form: NCUI 501 which requires information from you and your employer and their signature. Payroll week ending covers Monday to Sunday and the gross payment for that week. Submission is required every week. If your employer agrees, you can even submit your application online rather than via snail mail.

Now you know! If you're in this current situation, avail of this benefit. IT IS YOUR benefit. In this unstable economy, every little help is better than nothing.

Note: This claim only applies to workers who works for the same company where job were reduced due to lack of business. If you need further information you can visit the ESC website.


  1. great tips! tahnk you for sharing!
    have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks for visiting me over at Sweeter Living. I was so happy for your comment about our Anniversary!

    Wishing you a wonderful Friday!

  3. Very interesting info...I'll definitely keep it in mind! Thanks :)


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