June 6, 2015

Photography: She Started taking Photos And then did the Unexpected

Photo by MaricrisG
It was Memorial day weekend and we found ourselves at Latta Plantation Park unwinding on the covered swing taking in the glorious view of the lake. Not a moment after we settled in, a couple walked towards one of the big trees near the water and started posing. Not too far from where they were, a lady photographer were shouting instructions of their next poses at a distance. Clearly, a photo shoot was in progress. Nothing unusual about that especially at this location. It's a photographers' favorite spot for photo shoots. Things went on as normal as any photo shoot would up until the photographer told the couple to walk towards the water. Then the unexpected happened.

It's not in the fact that it is prohibited to swim or wade in the water and the couple went right in ignoring the warning... Rather, what the photographer did next literally made us fall off the swing...

Giggling... because she dropped on the ground and did these:  (Pardon the blurriness. I used my smartphone from a distance to capture these photos)

Shall we call this the fainting photographer technique?

And this, the Lounging Photographer Technique

The Snorkeling on the Sand Technique

And last but not the least, the Swimming Photographer Technique

And here is the full picture to give you the scenario that led to all the gymnastics:

Had a good laugh? I hope so. Only the dead will not find this funny.

I know that Photography is serious business. I can also attest to that it can certainly encourage techniques that resembles gymnastics, or yogic poses to get the best photos. And though they're awkwardly funny, they must be effective. Otherwise, this lady photographer wouldn't have done them. Can you relate with her?

If you find this funny, please share it.

More Reason to Laugh:


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