September 25, 2013

Cooking with Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut oil (with giveaway)

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Coconut is one of the staple food in Asia. A common tree that grows in the wild. And one I grew up consuming and using in so many different forms including oil. It have a tasty yet distinct taste which to my coconut-raised palate, enhances the flavor of certain dishes.

I specially love using coconut oil on my omelette and hash browns and anything that calls for oil. To me, they just taste yummier!

This week, I was privileged to try Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut oil** in cooking my omelette and hash browns. Though there was not a distinct difference from the organic coconut oil I regularly used, the clean, bold flavor that I love about in coconut oils are very much present in this oil -- which is a good thing.

It means the product is pure and no fillers have been added to manufacture the product. And that this product is worth a try!

On a side note, this product somehow brings a "piece of home" for me. It comes all the way from the Philippines where I was born and raised. And each time someone purchases this product, it is helping support families in the rural areas in that part of the country where these coconut grows! Call me proud.

If you are wondering how to use coconut oil, check this out: Different ways to use coconut oil. 
If you are thinking what is Virgin Coconut oil, check this out: All about Virgin coconut oil.

Giveaway: One lucky winner will win one Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut oil  in 1 quart (32 Fl. Oz) glass jar. Retail $40.00

Qualifying Entry: Complete mandatory entry requirements then tell us which dishes you would like to try the coconut oil with in the comments section. Additional ways for extra entries available below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To learn more about Tropical Traditions, Follow them on:
Twitter: @troptraditions and @ttspecialdeals
Facebook: Tropical Traditions
Pinterest: Trop Traditions
Google +:  Tropical Traditions
And check their Giveaways and Deals: Special deals and Free Coconut Oil

**Tropical Traditions provided the product to facilitate this review and sponsored the giveaway. All opinions are ours unless otherwise stated. An affiliate link with commission upon purchase is also present on image. 


  1. I love this coconut oil. I use a dollop in our morning smoothies almost every day.
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  2. I use coconut oil in some way every day!

  3. I love their coconut oil. I just ordered a gallon myself. I would love to get 5 gallons at a time. I would organize a co-op to order it if anyone is interested.

    1. @Jessica I can provide you with my affiliate link if you want to help a lady out in the process :-) --

  4. I would love to try coconut oil for my dry skin

  5. I love to use coconut oil to cook popcorn and veggies.
    Entered the rafflecopter as "Wild orchid"

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  6. I love using coconut on my skin.

  7. I love using coconut oil on my skin.

  8. I think the "Leave a Blog Post Comment" entry option is for a different giveaway:

    "Simply tell us what features you like about this tablet in the comments section to enter."

    I'm interested in learning to cook with coconut oil.

    1. Thanks CatOLuck for the heads up! Text corrected :-)

  9. I would love to make coconut oil fudge.

  10. Would love to win this! ~Emily Waits

  11. Would like to try this in brownies. Love this for facial moisturizer.

  12. I like to use coconut oil in my baking and making granola.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  13. i would love to use this oil anytime i would be cooking with it rather than the other oils

  14. I used Tropical Traditions coconut oil to make chocolate chip cookies last week. Absolutely delicious!

  15. I cook with TT coconut oil all the time and also brush my teeth with it a couple of times a week.

  16. I love using it for sauteing, in pie crust and for granola and homemade chocolate bars.

  17. Hi, yes, we love using Tropical Tradition Coconut Oil! It is so good for your health! We use it for so many different things other than for food preparation & it would be wonderful to receive a free jar of TT Coconut Oil!

  18. I like to use coconut oil to sautee my vegetables.

  19. Would love to win free coconut oil!!

  20. would love to win free coconut oil!!

  21. love this in all of my cooking and baking recipes. want to try coconut oil fudge.

  22. Homemade Pie Crust , cookies and chocolate bars

  23. I use coconut oil as lotion and also in some baking recipes.

  24. i would lik to use it in my cookies and cakes

  25. I want to use the coconut oil to make lemon fudge snacks.

  26. I want to use the coconut oil to make lemon fudge bites.

  27. I actually want to try it on my hair as conditioner.

  28. I have never cooked with coconut oil. I think I would try a stir-fry first.

  29. I have never cooked with coconut oil. I think I would try a stir-fry first.

  30. I would like to try it in some brownies.

  31. I would like to try it in some brownies.

  32. i would use the coconut oil on my toast like butter

  33. I would like to try some of the raw chocolate recipes!!

  34. I would like to try some of the raw chocolate recipes!!


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