August 19, 2012

Highlights of the Week: Migraine Inc.

I just realized after writing my personal stress-migraine-busting therapeutic solution this week, that since 2008, I have written several posts related to my migraine! Whoa! I was dumbfounded. I had no idea I was actually creating a timeline out of my migraine attacks. Coincidentally, today I was listening to NPR's Diane Rehm on the radio discussing living with migraines and the search for new treatments. What's interesting to hear is that migraine is a very misunderstood, and often misdiagnosed disease. In one point, one of her guests, even mentioned migraine is a brain disease! Ok, that kind of scared me a bit... 

It bothered me more to hear that it is genetically hereditary. Ouch! I have a daughter. Migraine is more common in women. Sorry my dear daughter.

Unfortunately, I didn't finish the entire show because I've already arrived at my chiropractor's clinic for my regular wellness visit. I did query my chiropractor about what I heard though, while he was cracking my bones back into place, as my curiosity was already piqued. According to him, he can see the correlation. Being that the pain stems from the nerves of the brains.

OK not helping...

Now, one of Diane Rehm's guests was Teri Robert, author of the book Living Well with Migraine Disease and Headaches: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You...That You Need to Know. If you guessed, I'm going to check it out? You bet! Ah, pronto!

Now before I forget, It's Highlights of the Week week. Here's my migraine timeline. Don't read it! 'Cause you know, I would hate for you to get a headache just reading it...

OMG! Did you just see that? Are you seeing my pattern above? This is quite unexpected. Eeeeekkksss! Talk about freaky... I knew there was a good reason I don't like Summer that much. 

Stay well. Stay away from migraines. They're bad news! Enjoy your weekend...

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