February 7, 2013

Whizdom from My Kid: What is Super Bowl?

I'll admit if it wasn't for my husband's influence, my daughter and I won't have a care in the world for the sport. But as it is, Super bowl is special so I was rather inclined {than obliged} to watch. And Oh! the fact that I don't have to cook? Is utterly a good perk enough for this overworked mama. Yup! Super Bowl to me can be a mini-vacation from a little household chore and that's cool... but as you can see my 8 year old daughter have a different definition in mind.

+Whizdom is going to be a regular section on Zensible Mama. Here you'll see {read} unscripted, unedited, downright raw remarks and wise cracks that delivers the humorous side of {our} Parenthood, Motherhood, Wifehood, Husbandhood, Kidhood and everything in between. In short, you'll get laughs at our expense. No holds barred LOL.

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