November 26, 2012

Unique Fall Crafts to Celebrate Autumn's End

Fall officially ends on December 20 this year. Man where did all the time go?! Now before Fall completely pass you by and before all the leaves has fallen down the ground, quickly gather your creative mojo together and create some of these unique Fall-inspired crafts to commemorate this year's Fall season. Try your hands on them and see how creative you truly are!

1- Fall Leaf and Tree Branch 3D Wall Art Poster - My favorite. My creation has survived a year looking still magnificent from the day I made it! I'm quite impressed at how well-preserved it has been and still looking pretty attractive hanging on my bedroom wall to this day! Click here for full instructions: Fall Leaf and Tree Branch 3D Wall Art Poster

2- Flower Bouquets from Fall LeavesBouquet with a natural touch? Add some wow to your holiday decor with this one or just create some for fun! Either way, they're very attractive to create. Click here for full instructions: How to Create Flower Bouquets from Fall Leaves.

Have Fun! 

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