November 12, 2012

Is Technology Turning Us Into Cyber Beings?

It's interesting to see how our society have totally adapted to the ever-changing technology of this generation. It's a continuing evolution that seem to take a permanent hold in our everyday lives. Maybe more than we even want to... Or is aware of.

Take for example one family on a Sunday brunch out, waiting for their turn to be seated in a very busy restaurant. They sat next to my family. While my family and I chat, every member of this family was "plugged-in" and playing on their phones quietly. This from the moment they sat next to us. There was something very wrong in that picture!

Made me think of robots who were never programmed to be socially interactive. Like each one played a certain role to a tee and never meandering away from that restrictive program. But this is not uncommon. I see more and more families in public places "tuning" each other out by "plugging-in" to their smartphones. Sad? Maybe. Acceptable? In this current generation, it's slowly turning out to be.

This intriguing infographic from Edudemic might just explain how much closer we are to being "cyber beings" more than we thought possible especially with the staggering results at how technology and gadgets are becoming an integral part of our daily "survival" tools.

How Parents & Children Actually Use Smartphones

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