January 26, 2013

The Day in Photos: Icicles and Explosive drips #365Photoproject





Snow denied us yesterday and in its place hail and icicles and lots of dripping water on a likewise icy ground. Though gravely disappointed, it no less gave me an opportunity for some photo opp to know my Canon EOS Rebel X T3 a little better. I guess, there is good in being stuck in the house due to a snow storm  after all.

Photo tip:
To capture the water drip in action, I used Sports mode + telephoto zoom lens at 300 MM on continuous 5 frame shot intervals. Adjust necessary settings for scene and ambience types.

365 days in photos is a photo project in my attempt to capture life, the world around it, and its essence each day through photos. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. And it lasts longer. Photo tips included. 

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