November 2, 2012

Travel California: Surf's Up! Surfer Dudes are out!

Surfer Dudes!

I had the privilege to witness and experience the uniqueness of California's coastal region. It was unlike the coastal area of North Carolina nor the South. Here, no two beaches are alike. And there are just views that are exquisitely breathtaking...

And the Surfer dudes! I'll say no more but I'll say this, the Surfer dudettes were equally pleasing to the eye!

California landscape is so different. Not even the coastal beaches of North or South Carolina comes close to its uniqueness. Mountain's feet are kissed by the cold ocean water of the Pacific all year round and boasts of endless spectacle of well-toned surfers! A sweet treat for even the non-wandering eyes if you catch my drift. No pun intended.

*This trip was made possible by Toyota through TWIN where Zensible Mama is a member. No compensation involved. All opinion is ours.

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