October 1, 2012

Fish Tail Braid My Hair!

Kim Kardashian sporting Fish Tail Braids. 
Doesn't she look like Wendy's in an Irish outfit though?

My daughter and I have been seeing this wonderful braid on girls and women all around town but couldn't figure out what it's called much more know how to do it! It is of course driving me insane because my young girl who have long hair wants me to do it on her hair and I've got no clue how it's done! Being creative as I was, I attempted to create it, not miserably, but see for yourself.

A not-so-perfect kind of Fish Tail Braid!

Decent but not matched. Not even close. But it's a braid alright.

Thank goodness though, I finally found out what it was today. Thanks to my Facebook friends! I could NOT believe how many celebrities actually wear it as a fashion statement! And different ways of accessorizing it! Where was I hiding? (Sorry, we don't watch TV or news) Now thanks to YouTube, I was able to watch a tutorial and can't wait to try my hands on it, and this time, I may actually be happy with the outcome!

A little girl will be happy too. I bet. Fish Tail braid and all.

SUCCESS! Not bad for a first try at all. Not bad.

And the daughter? She loves it! Win!

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