August 10, 2012

Movie Review: Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

My daughter is a huge fan of the book Diary of a Wimpy kid. The same daughter who received the entire book set for Christmas last year and devoured read  them like there is no tomorrow. Also the same daughter who persevered hours of waiting in line just to get her beloved book autographed by the author, Jeff Kinney, December of that same year she got that set of books! So, you can just imagine the sheer delight she had when I told her I was invited by 20th Century Fox to prescreen the new movie, Diary of the Wimpy Kid: Dog Days and she was my special guest! Let's just say, I may have gone deaf for a few splitting seconds immediately after that!

Now I should tell you, we've never gotten the chance to watch its previous movies so this was our first one. The great thing about it, is that we were going in with no preset expectations, which was in my honest opinion, a very good thing. Though we've meet Zachary Gordon and Robert Capron at that book signing with Kinney, we really didn't know how they were as lead role actors in the movie version of the book until of course, we got to watch this movie.

Zensible Mama Rating : ♥♥♥♥♥ 
Genre: Family, Comedy
Running Time: 94 min
MPAA rating: PG 
Release Date: August 3, 2012

In review:
Two words - Outrageously Funny! - This was my utmost thought half-way through the movie. There was no dull moment in this movie. The hilarity of it all was borne out of the simplicity of interpretation representing a typical family that all of us can relate to. I was seeing huge chunks of pieces of my/our Summer life in this movie and though it was in some instances unavoidably pathetic, it was on the other hand very funny! The irony of life and the humor of it.

There's a Rodrick and Greg in each of us. As certainly as there is a Frank and Susan Heffley in most of us! Their story is not exceptionally different from us. There's the pain of keeping up with the Joneses, the pain of growing up, of loving and learning. The consequences and heartbreak. Best of all, the discovery of true friendship and the great importance of family and relationship. From behind the humor and laughter, this movie has enough life lessons to give, that is if your tickled self have enough time to identify them!

Favorite scene:
Rodrick in an attempt to get his uber-gorgeous crush, Heather, to notice him, pretended to be drowning at the Club's pool where Heather was a lifeguard. Unfortunately, Heather was busy arguing with a little girl and was entirely clueless of Rodrick's pretentious drowning. As he continued to pretend, an older but muscled guy with thick mustache, saw him in distress with no immediate help, took upon himself to rescue Rodrick.  In spite of his protesting, the old guy dragged him out of the water and went on to give him mouth to mouth resuscitation not just once, but three times! Rodrick's horrified reactions was enough to bring the entire theater echoing with roaring laughters!

Devon Bostick playing Rodrick was superbly funny and certainly contributed a good portion of the hilariousness of this movie.

I personally enjoyed this movie and the same goes with my daughter. It's a great movie for when you needed a laughter or two or even three! Best watched with family who don't mind finding humor in the wacky, dysfunctional reality of life and love and simply... growing up.

**20th Fox Century provided media passes to facilitate this review. All opinion is ours.**

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