November 14, 2011

Geek Week: Tired with Klout? Twitterize Yourself with

Twitterized version of @MaricrisG

Are you one of those currently frustrated, confused or most likely annoyed than anything else {raising my hands!} with Klout's newly implemented, supposedly more accurate scoring system? Then seriously, you deserve some fun distraction to un-Klout yourself! Have you tried twitterizing yourself via yet?

I discovered during my dark hour with Klout. The site who offers infographics and Data visualization have a fun Twitter visualizer application that creates a personalized infographic of your influence based on your Tweets. Nothing close to what Klout covers which is good since Klout is bad for your soul as stated by Bonnie Stewart of and I can't agree more, but what I love about it is it's simply for fun and the graphics of the twitterized version of you is just cute!

Give it a try! You can opt for a Solographic - featuring just you - or you can opt for a Faceoff! Below is my randomly generated Faceoff with Barack Obama of which I was obviously defeated by landslide, not because he is the President, but by the sheer number of his followers! :-)

And a more subdued fun Faceoff with my good friend @Lisa_Frame:

And Finally, my SOLOGRAPHIC:

And the rest of it, cropped and chopped to fit this screen:

Does gives a more realistic representation of one's Twitter influence? 
I think it's simply fun, with stats or no stats! What do you think?

Other interesting stories for your reading pleasure:
Top 5 Social Media applications for real-time delivery of your Holiday greetings
Geo-Location Social Media Sites and networks a safety hazard?
5 Top organization applications you just gotta have!

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