February 12, 2013

Tech Talk : Best Mobile Photo Watermark Apps for your Smartphones

With the recent controversy surrounding Instagram's controversial TOS and with the upcoming implementation of Facebook Graph and the rampant image theft online, as a parent, I'm mortified of the thought of regularly posting pictures of my child online without proper precautionary measures.

With the vastness and intricacies of the internet, it is tough policing those who have immediate access to your photos online or who's stealing them. When you are virtually active and regularly posting pictures of your children and family in your social networks, it's highly likely that your photos would have already been stolen and used. Most often than not, you're probably isn't even aware of it. 

This really bothers me.

I was about to post a photo of my child on Instagram which I took with my smartphone inside a coffee shop. It was a sweet moment and I wanted to share it to my social networks which consists mainly of moms like me. I thought it was a cute picture they will appreciate me sharing. But I stopped before I can hit submit.

I have to protect my picture first. In essence I will be protecting my child too. Now, there's no guarantee a photo won't be stolen but watermarking  photos can be a huge thief-deterrent. 

Here are some pretty nifty FREE Mobile Watermark Apps that you can use before you resume being submit-happy like me:

Here is the picture I mentioned earlier
and edited via PicsArt before submitting to Instagram.

  • Add Watermark - It's a dedicated watermarking app which works best when your intention is to only watermark your photos without added photo editing requirement. 

  • Watermark Photo - Watermark photos with text, timestamps, Image QR codes and signatures. Not much added features but it does the work.

Go Watermark your photos pronto!

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