January 19, 2013

The Day in Photos: Bird Watch and Weather Forecasting #365Photoproject

Photos in this series are taken with Canon EOS Rebel T3 using 
75-300MM Zoom lens and lens hood on a foggy, cloudy day.

Flock of birds of different specie gathered and occupied all the trees around my yard and made so much noise so loud, it can be heard far and wide. Like a warning signal to other birds in the area of the approaching storm that brought snow, torrential rain and damaging winds in most of NC yesterday. They are great weather forecasters! Whenever I see flock of birds flying frantically towards a certain direction, most often than not, it tells me, there is a weather disturbance approaching close by and they always never fail!

365 days in photos is a photo project in my attempt to capture life, the world around it, and its essence each day through photos. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. And it lasts longer.

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