December 6, 2012

Bringing Holiday Cheers with PicMonkey

My 2012 Holiday Card. Printed and ready to mail.

I've got a little confession to make. Get ready for this. I totally D.I.Y'ed my holiday card this year because not only did I want it to be 100% original and creative...get's totally 100% priceless! Yes, priceless, as in I don't have to pay a single cent to get my card created. Smart right? Now here's another smart move, I totally took advantage of PicMonkey's new, cool theme; Winter, with cool overlays, fonts, and filters that all spells w.i.n.t.e.r goodness!

Now I use PicMonkey like I drink coffee each day. It's my top go-to Photo editing platform for quick edits with cool overlays for most of my blog photos. It is very user-friendly and of course, offers a lot of cool stuffs to make your photos uber-attractive! Not to say, it helped me transform a non-winter photo looking a little more winter-y. 

And it was easy-peasy. 

I chose to "Winterized" our Summer photo (since it's the only one we have decent enough that actually have all three of us in one frame) with Frosty McSnow's cute accessories. I was very hopeful I'll pull this one out successfully.

Yep I did.

And ended up with this awesomeness!

With a little creativeness (called eraser), I was able to make hubby's top hat, picture-perfect!

Cool huh?

If you haven't created your Holiday cards yet, then get a move on and run in front of your computer screen and start making magic on PicMonkey! You'll have fun 100% guaranteed. Just don't blame me when you get addicted to it.

Also, here's a little golden advice, take advantage of PicMonkey while its Royale features are still FREE so you too can have PRICELESS, uber-attractive Holiday cards like mine! Thank me later.

Note: My finished project pictured above the post is a combination of other overlays outside of PicMonkey because I wanted to use "my own" design which is also a great feature that PicMonkey offers. A feature that offers you, the designer, the flexibility to add your own personal touch.

+ PicMonkey sponsored and compensated this post but all opinions are solely ours and based on personal experience as a regular user of the site.


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