October 16, 2012

Falling in LUV 30,000 Feet High Up In The Sky

I have been traveling a lot and I know that I should at least be telling you my great travel escapades the past few weeks out in the West and back East but there's this LUV story THAT is just juicy-licious and so delish-ly romantic, I purposely kicked everything else to the curb to go cheesy-cheesy on you! But just to be clear,THIS is NOT my love story (I wish) but it's so ticklingly good, I just have to write about it. You'll see! So, How do you want to FALL in LUV airborne style? Yes airborne! Kinda like Gangnam but better.

It was my flight back in Charlotte from Los Angeles. After wrestling my way through the gate to my plane and finally finding my seat sans luggages - thanks to USAirways wanting to gate check my bags - I was more than relieved to catch a breath and put my overly-worked a$$ down and give rest to my achy shoulders. Already sitting on my left, next to me, by the window was an exotic-looking lady in her late 20's that I initially mistaken as Egyptian. Almost made me think of Princess Jasmine from Alladin

Me big fan. Tickled.

Now, I was seated on the aisle seat, thank goodness! Easy access to the loo, if you must know. I didn't care much for the empty seat between us or who will be seating there except I hoped it was someone who doesn't stink and is not obnoxious, period!

Then came THE boy. Or hunk. 

I was almost disappointed that it was a male seatmate but then boom! Instant connection. Well, not with me but with Ms. Egyptian-who-turned-out-to-be-Iranian-lady. Not long until he got settled in his seat did he already asked for her name and they were chatting like two professional auctioneers blabbering words one millionth a word per second. Whoa! These two just met! Good thing they were both cute or I would have gone apesh*t crazy on both of them. Lack of sleep, cranky in a cramped space? Not so good.

He was a traveling hunk from Israel who traveled the US once every year to do a road trip. She, going home from being a bridesmaid to a relative who recently got married in Los Angeles, was pretty obviously, enamored. 

It was fun just watching them do their thang. Like 2 lovebirds gearing up for the mating season. Subtle flirting. Secret stares and Oooey, gooeey glances. "Aw! The sparks!" Yes, sparks were definitely flying from those two! I can only watch and smile. It was pure entertainment for me. Can't complain. Live action for real. 

Then Mr. Israel asked if he can see her in Germany on his 12 hour layover. She's from Germany and on her way home. He's heading to New Jersey before heading home to Israel. Their chatter went on and on. From religion, heritage, culture and whatever. I got bored.

I dozed off to sleep. 

We were almost in Charlotte when I woke up. I was excited. Those two were excited. "Do you want to join me for dinner? We have a few hours before our next flight?" Mr. Israel-traveler-hunk-guy asked her. 

First date. 

As we walk out the gate into the hallways of the airport, the two lovebirds were walking close to each other, giggling and glancing at each other as they talk, seemingly like the only two people in the world, they looked at each other once more and smiled and walked away like Siamese twins attached in the organs. 

I was walking behind them and smiling. Darn! I wish I've snapped a picture but oh well... THIS all happened in a duration of 4 hours. Yeah...amazeballs or what!?

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