July 24, 2012

Beating Lactose Intolerance with Blue Diamond Almond Milk - Review

I have a not-so-pleasant relationship with milk and for those unfortunate individuals who share the same physical lactose-intolerance dysfunctionality, you clearly know what that means. Stay away from milk! Or anything remotely related to dairy, otherwise, suffer painful trips to the loo, which is NEVER cool at all. But, who can stay away from milk or dairy? 

I can't. 

My coffee would be NOT be coffee without my milk creamer. And besides, it's the only time I really use milk.

Is it worth my coffee? Yes it does. But I came to a point where I needed to take a break and be nice to myself.  Incessant trip to the loo isn't fun anymore, not that it ever was. To remedy MY problem. I tried soy alternatives. It didn't work. I was getting the same adverse reactions. Then like an angel sent from above, Almond Milk was introduced to me. I tried several brands. Trust me, each brand taste differently. Some were OK. Some just didn't taste right. Some even tasted blech on my coffee.

In Review.
After trying countless brands, Blue Diamond Almond Milk came out the winner in my family. None of us are milk drinkers, including my 8 year old, who rejected milk on day 1 of when I was transitioning her from breast milk. But we do need milk. And Blue Diamond's tastes great in our cereals. So it's our top milk choice right now! Best of all, it gives my tummy a great ole' time every time. Win!

I just wish it tasted good with my coffee though, then that would have been double win! But nope unfortunately. It just lacks that creaminess I'm used to. Nonetheless, it's the best almond milk we've ever tasted so far and we love it and have been consumers for some time now. I can keep wishing though, can't I?

If you  have the same issues as I, what's your top choice milk alternative?

**Blue Diamond provided sample products as part of this review through Kiwi Mom's Meet, where Zensible Mama is a Blogger Ambassador. All opinions are ours. No one twisted our arms or paid us to say what we said.**

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